Using  fluid acrylics in my intuitive paintings led to experimenting more with them.  I used the Golden brand of fluid acrylics.  I also tried making my own.    Letting the paint flow while turning the canvas leads to some interesting results.  Sometimes I use a palatte knife and make marks by pulling the paint.  Sometimes I add splatters.  Mostly I just have a blast.

Be the Tortoise

0DC1A6D6-A381-4EBF-B033-87A1C70F4757Recently I visited Deborah,  my new writing friend.   She proudly showed off her pet tortoises. What came to my mind was the old adage, “Slow and steady wins the race.”  Be the tortoise!  Plod on!   Whatever you want to do you can do.   A small step is better than no step.

I rarely feel like I do enough.  If I paint for two hours, I think I should have painted for three.  For activities that seem hard, I may I set a timer for 15 minutes to get me going.  Sometimes I keep going.  Sometimes I only manage 15 minutes.

But I know deep down that all the small time chunks do add up.   I am a proud plodder.  Some people have the temperament and stamina to focus on one thing all day long or all the time.  Not me.   I’m all about persistence over time.

Art Buddies are the best!

bedford center for the arts class Lately I’ve been running into creative people in unusual ways.  I had some great conversations with artists and writers who were staying at my hostel.  I went to a BBQ and met a friend of a friend who is a writer and editor.  I also am starting to connect with the other painters in our shared space at BlueSkies Studio, and the local plein air painting group.   I wanted more art buddies, and here they are!  I feel a huge surge of creative energy when I can see other peoples’ work, share information, and schedule time to work together.